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Thank you for choosing to learn more about Amalucha Studios. I made Amalucha Studios as a brand name for my videos. At first, I just went videos for fun, sometimes alone, sometimes with my brother. I then used my mom's computer to edit them. The only people that I would show my videos too. Were my brother, and maby my mom or dad.
As time went on, my videos got more advanced, graduating from filming my giggling under a blanket, playing a "Walking and Talking Stump" to more sophisticated projects involving greenscreens and more advanced editing.
I then started making videos for school, going way overboard, and making them look less like class projects, and more like the documentary. By every video, I got more advanced. I started perfecting subtitles, the object animation inside a 2d space, and now I am more sophisticated than ever using a graph editor to control 2d animations, and even going as far as doing 3D CIGI animation (although I have not yet perfected that.
It seems that every day that I am working on a new aspect to make my videos higher quality, and more professional. I make videos as often as I can, and now I want to help other people make videos.
The only problem is, is that I want to make high-quality videos, but I am limited to the resources that I have. T hat is why I am asking you to help me get more advanced. There are a lot of ways to do this. My primary goal is to get a $60,000 camera that shoots at 8K and in RAW. However, I don't think that I am getting there anytime soon. But I can make high-quality videos even without that. I could get a gimbal for instance. Well, this is why I need your help. There are multiple ways to do this; let's start with the most efficient method.

Donate through Paypal
The most effective way to donate money is through Paypal. This gives money to help support my videos directly to me. It is a huge help and is very much appreciated.

You were maby wondering how you can support me by spending no money. Well, it is easy. Just click the "Support" button, and it will send you to Amazon. Follow the on-screen instructions, and it will help out a lot. What this does is signed me up for an Amazon filet. Every time you buy something on Amazon, they give me a small portion of the money that you spend, however, you don't have to spend any extra money!